Thursday, March 10, 2011

Avery's butterfly

Last summer, I think it was about middle of August, the girls found a caterpillar in the garden and Avery, loving all things crawly, set up a caterpillar jar to keep it in. After about a week it turned into a chrysalis and we waited and waited for the butterfly to come out. By the end of November we thought it had died and so we emptied the jar and put the chrysalis up on a shelf and kind of forgot about it. Then last night as I was getting ready to go to bed, this big swallow-tail butterfly sails by my head. This morning I woke up Avery and showed it to her, and half asleep she asked where did it come from, did I leave me window open or my door open? I then told her it was her caterpillar from last year and her eyes got wide open and she took a deep breath and was so excited. Now we just need to find some flowers to keep it going until spring.

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